Commission, Amend, Consider
Three Acts of Parliament cover educational support for children with cancer. However, in terms of support provided, the Acts can be vague and open to interpretation. As such, the level of support often depends on an individual school.
Moreover, there are numerous examples of young cancer sufferers “falling through the gaps” between the relevant pieces of legislation.
As a result, young cancer sufferers rely on a patchy and unequal system of support – effectively a postcode lottery.
Moreover, the intrinsic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on cognitive function are well-documented. In this sense, lengthy assessment processes to determine the type of educational support necessary for young cancer sufferers are not required.
However, the UK evidence base on cognitive function is currently lacking. As a result, educational support for young cancer sufferers can be delayed during a critical period.
Timely action can be particularly vital for those facing important examinations.

Policy Asks
Commission Independent Review
Commission an independent review into the impact of treatment(s) for cancer on a child or young person’s educational attainment and developmental requirements.
Amend, in the interim period, the SEND code of practice to include the following: “The local authority must consider the special educational needs of the child or young person within 28 days of a referral from a GP following: (a) diagnosis of cancer, and (b) planned treatment resulting in a minimum 14 days’ absence from their education.”
consider provision of additional statutory protection
Consider the provision of additional statutory protection for young cancer sufferers in statutory education.